My Experience Preparing for The RolePlay.

10:10 PM

My Experience Preparing for the RolePlay.
I have got alot of experience and moment during i prepare my role play . Miss Nur Dini binti Azmi is our English Teacher . We were told by Miss Dini, each group had to invent a role play to be presented to the other students. My group have 5 person. Our Miss gave us the chance to choose the title of the role play according to our requirements. My group has chosen 'The Psycho' as the storyline and It has been accepted by Miss Dini. We were given one week to practice and prepare for the show. Our group leader had assigned tasks to each person to act out each character . And starting that, we are practicing everyday when we have free time. We have practiced as much as possible to enhance our role play. we practiced so many times so that the show are perfect and gotting loved by many others .From this activity, I gained a lot of experience and values. If one of us makes a mistake, there will be a guidance and admonition of the group member . Many mistakes that can be seen from the training that we did during our practising. I spent alot of my time with members of my group every time we had a roleplay practising. So that , we can foster better relationships and try to understand each other in the group. We laughed a lot, made a lot of mistakes and a lot of excitement but realizing we were never be enemies and blame each other. Since the practising time, I do not waste time with things that are not helpful and I spent time with members of the group to complete each task. I get a lot of benefit and good during my preparation for this role play. In the story, I played as ditective like a police investigator help. The costume for me as a detective are easy to found and does not require much time to prepare. Members of my group helped me a lot during the preparation of the role play. We have tried our best to complete the role throughout the practising .Many good and bad experiences that I got and I am very pleased to join with this group that we named it as ANGLOPHILIA GROUP.

  • PTM 150718597
  • SECTION 18

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