10:10 PM

Everyone have their favourite food.I love food,so it is hard to choose which one that i love the most.If i had to choose,Favorite Food Thailand food is one of my favorite types of food.It is Tomyam. It is defined as a kind of Thai soup that is known for its broth which are both savory, spicy, and sour.In translation from its Thai name, tom yam soup is also sometimes spelled tom yam and dom yam.Tom Yam can be served in many ways,such as steamboat,Tom Yam with rice,Tom Yam soup with Yee Mee and so on.This is in fact the most popular menu in our country.I prefer Tom Yam served in bee hon because the taste of the soup is spicy and a lot of different ingredient such as seafood to make it taste good.Tomyam bee hon from the flavors of food tomyam inspiration from Thailand.Tomyam bee hon can be recognized who have similar tastes tomyam itself.However,tom yam can be made easily.I love tomyam since when i was 5 years old.I still remember the time that my family bring me to the restaurant near our house to have a dinner, and my mom make an order for me,it is tomyam soup. And from that i started to love tomyam alot. Why do I like it?  I think it is partly the texture, and partly the taste. I love the smell of tomyam so much.Moreover, we are able to try making tom yam at our home. Tom yam is simple food which has unique characteristic of taste.Conclusion, everyone have their own taste.Tom yam soup has many benefits because it is made by herb ingredients. As we know that herb ingredients can be our health well. 


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